Academic Details
Secondary – 10th class|2008 - 2014
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Marks – 92.00%
Higher Secondary – 12th class|2014 - 2016
West Bengal Council for Higher Secondary Education
Marks – 84.20%
2016 - 2019
Bachelor of Science | Computer Science
Marks – 8.03/10
2019 - 2021
Masters in Computer Application
Current Marks - 9.09/10
- Introduction to Cryptology (2017)
- MongoDB Basics (2020)
- Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals (2020)
- Machine Learning with Python (2020)
- Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4 (2020)
- Front-End Web Development with React (2020)
- Foundations of Data Science: K-Means Clustering (2020)
- Java Basic Skill (2020)
- Python Basic Skill (2020)
- "Problem Solving Basic Skill" Certification (2020)
- Course on "PyTorch Essential Training: Deep Learning" (2020)
- Course on "C++ Standard Template Library" (2021)
- Course on "C++ Essential Training" (2021)
- Course on "Systems Thinking" (2021)
- Course on "Critical Thinking" (2021)
- Course on "Agile at Work: Planning with Agile User Stories" (2021)
- Course on "Agile at Work: Getting Better with Agile Retrospectives" (2021)
- Course on "Agile at Work: Driving Productive Agile Meetings" (2021)
- Course on "Agile Software Development: Scrum for Developers" (2021)
- Course on "Agile Software Development: Kanban for Developers" (2021)
- A Machine Learning Approach to Predict the Location of Crime Using Date, Time and Class of the Crime
- A Machine Learning Approach to Analyze the Statistics of Football Players
- Sign Language Detection and Convert to Text Using CNN and OpenCV
This project was implemented to identify American sign language images using CNN and after detecting the alphabet convert it to text for future purpose. Also to build a real time interface for using the model in real life applications using OpenCV and other front end designing techniques.
- Predictive Analysis on Road Accident Risks Based on Heterogeneous Sparse Data
- Performing Load Balancing in Virtual Machine in Simulated Cloud Environments.
- Online School Management System
- Corona-Virus-Outbreak-Prediction
- Employee Churn Prediction
- Movie Ticket Booking System
- Text Autocomplete using Flask
- Youtube Playlist Video Name Scraper
- Scraping Covid Emergency Requirement Related Posts from Facebook using Python
This was our final year project for my Bachelors study, implementing the Multiple
Linear Regression and Support Vector Regression to predict the crime hotspot based
on the various features with an accuracy of 98%.
In this project I tried to predict which players should be sold and which ones should
be retained by the team at the end of every season based on their performance and
other factors with SVM and KNN classifiers with approximately 80% accuracy
The intention of this project is to analyze this accidental data-set to identify
the accident hot spot areas and take appropriate measures to decrease the rate of
the accident and identify the situations in which the accident happens and take
precautions to prevent the accident.
This project aims to have in depth discussion about the various load
balancing algorithms in distributed cloud system and analysis of which algorithm
gives the best outcome.
This project is an online application of school management
system using basic HTML, CSS and JS in the front end with MySql in the
back end for Database Activities and PHP for server side programmes.
This is an open chllange by This project aims to predict the outbreak of corona virus all over the world. Here the number of infected people, the number of deaths and the number of recovered people is predicted for the next day for all the 155 countries based on the records of these upto the previous day for respective countries.
This is a project to predict the Employee Churn from a Employee Dataset
This is a initiative to make a movie ticket booking system using C# Visual Studio and using Oracle Database in the Backend
An app for auto completion of text using flask python
By this script the names of the videos of a playlist can be extracted.
This ongoing project will help NGOs and other Voluntury Helping organization to reach to the covid relief posts like Oxygen, Hospital Bed, Blood, Medicine with the automated approach with Python scraping using selenium and Machine Learning methods.
This I project I have done when I was doing internship as part of my PG Degree from NOKIA. Basically this will help developers to decode ASN.1 encoded logs and analyze them